Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 4 of being a Vegetarian

Day 4 of eating vegetarian has begun with few problems.  I must be doing something wrong if it's this easy!  But I will continue trying for at least 2 weeks, then I may go "vegan" for 2 more weeks.  I am watching "Forks over Knives", a movie about the way American's eat.  Wow, what an eye opener....we eat so much junk and it's no wonder we are all so fat!

I'm eating dairy and eggs for these 2 weeks but will cut those out slowly to see how I feel.  I guess the coffee will have to go too eventually...maybe! LOL  I don't have any real health problems (yet) but I do not want to wait until I do!  I have so much weight to lose and I want to be healthy and stick around for my grandbabies!  I do have arthritis, and from what I hear, that too may go away by not eating meat....we shall see!

So, the only down side so far is that I ate soup this afternoon and it didn't sit well on my stomach (I will spare you the details!!!) LOL.  I don't know what caused it but I will pay attention to see if it was the eggs I ate this morning......and a headache...maybe "meat withdrawals" ????  could be, could very well be.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Trying something new......

Today is day 2 of a new adventure for me.  I am eating a totally different way.  As of yesterday, I am now doing a vegetarian diet.  It seems simple enough and so far (for 2 days..LOL) it has been pretty good.  I have not found any real challenges as of yet.  I have come to the realization that vegetarian does not always mean low fat or healthy.... doughnuts can be vegetarian...cake, cookies, pies...not good!! So, I'm trying to do a healthy vegetarian lifestyle. 

I am going to give this two weeks and see how it goes.  Then I will make my decision whether to continue or change.  Let's see........